Mon. - Fri., 10:00AM - 7:00PM
MBUBE Institute Uncategorized MBUBE Goes National!

MBUBE Goes National!

Just before the world was changed forever by COVID-19, MBUBE partnered with KiMISTRY to present at a national conference on trauma in Atlanta, GA. We were honored to be given a rare slot of a three-hour deep-dive session at the Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc.’s Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools 2020 Conference. Together, Malik Willoughby and Kimberly Brazwell presented an interactive workshop to nearly 100 people entitled, “Holistic Wellness for School to Prison Pipelines, Youth Trauma and Resiliency“.

Educators, youth-serving professionals and community leaders are charged with the arduous task of designing innovative ways to navigate and address trauma among students. In this workshop, attendees actively explored empirical evidence-based practices, guided by storytelling and landed on simple, everyday yet ancient resolutions for the highly complicated residual affects of trauma. Session attendees investigated culturally congruent, research-informed interventions and tools as well as proven trauma-informed strategies to create supportive environments within marginalized communities. The workshop provided opportunities to process through dialogue and interactive embodied, mindful movements at a somatic, psychological and energetic level.

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